NSGA urges voter registration

NSGA encourages students to vote by easily registering through TurboVote.

NSGA encourages students to vote by easily registering through TurboVote.

On Sept. 23, 2014, NSGA participated in National Voter Registration Day by informing students how to register to vote. With the creation of TurboVote, registering to vote, requesting an absentee ballot or being informed on elections has never been easier.

“I registered to vote because I feel my voice deserves to be heard,” said Kaleb Niles, Broken Arrow senior. “It’s a right we have as Americans that we shouldn’t take for granted.”

NSGA has become a dedicated beacon of civic engagement within the NSU community. For this occasion NSGA partnered with the Office of Greek Life & Community Engagement and the Division of Student Affairs.

“It is important that everyone votes,” said Corey Fabian, Muskogee Junior. “If we don’t have a majority opinion we won’t have an elected official that works for our passions.”

Voter registration forms must be postmarked by Oct. 10, 2014 in order to be validated for the upcoming election. The next election will be Nov. 4, 2014.

(Image and video are courtesy.)

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